Batuhan Yardim

Batuhan Yardim

About Me

I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science at ETH Zurich, supervised by Prof. Niao He. My research focuses on the mathemathical theory of reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems, with a focus on mean-field games. I am broadly interested in questions at the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and game theory.


I work on the theory of multi-agent reinforcement learning (focusing on mean-field games and mean-field RL). This includes:

  • Fundamental hardness of MF-RL
  • Provably efficient algorithms for MARL with many agents
  • Connections to game theory, optimization, learning theory.

Publications and Presentations

You can find a full list of my publications on my Google Scholar page.

  • When is Mean-Field Reinforcement Learning Tractable and Relevant?

    Batuhan Yardim, Artur Goldman, Niao He

    AAMAS, 2024

  • Policy Mirror Ascent for Efficient and Independent Learning in Mean Field Games

    Batuhan Yardim, Semih Cayci, Mathhieu Geist, Niao He

    ICML, 2023

  • Stateless Mean-Field Games: A Framework for Independent Learning with Large Populations

    Batuhan Yardim, Semih Cayci, Niao He

    European Workshop on RL (EWRL), 2023

  • Trust Region Policy Optimization with Optimal Transport Discrepancies: Duality and Algorithm for Continuous Actions

    Antonio Terpin, Nicolas Lanzetti, Batuhan Yardim, Florian Dorfler, Giorgia Ramponi

    NeurIPS, 2022

  • On the Statistical Efficiency of Mean-Field Reinforcement Learning with General Function Approximation

    Jiawei Huang, Batuhan Yardim, Niao He

    AISTATS, 2024

  • Can Who-Edits-What Predict Edit Survival?

    AB Yardim, V Kristof, L Maystre, M Grossglauser

    KDD, 2018


  • PhD in Computer Science

    ETH Zürich, Expected graduation: 2025

    Advisor: Prof. Niao He

  • MSc in Electrical Engineering

    ETH Zürich, 2020

  • BSc in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering

    Bilkent University, 2018


I am always happy to keep in touch regarding research and everything else. In particular, of you are a M.Sc. student at ETH interested in a semester project/thesis, feel free to send me an email.

email: yardima at ethz dot ch

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